18th World Congress on Optometry and Vision Science | Optometristas.org
Asociación Española de Optometristas Unidos

18th World Congress on Optometry and Vision Science

"Perspectiva del oftalmólogo: Rompiendo las barreras en la investigación del ojo a través de avances clínicos y académicos"

Ophthalmologist’s Outlook: Breaking the Barriers in Eye Research Through Clinical and Academic Advancements

Greetings from World Optometry 2018. It is our great honour to invite all the academicians and researchers to be as a speakers or delegates at the upcoming 18th World Congress on Optometry & Vision Science scheduled during September 26-27,2018 in Montreal, Canada. Theme: Ophthalmologist's Outlook: Breaking the Barriers in Eye Research Through Clinical and Academic Advancements Benefits: 1. 90000+ users and 160000+ views to our Library containing Abstracts.



Fecha del evento: 
Miércoles, 26 Septiembre, 2018 hasta Jueves, 27 Septiembre, 2018